White Gut Cleared, But my Shrimp Not Taking Feed, Loose Shell Happened & I harvested without Profits........
If you too have experienced this, now you'll discover the biggest threat to your shrimp's gut health and how to solve it with new "miracle" solution.
A Shrimp farmer in Korukollu, Krishna District, AP said "With the available medicines for white gut in the market, I was able to solve it, white gut cleared, but later it happened, my shrimp is not taking feed as they were before, it gotten into loose shell and I prematurely harvested without profits"
3 Common Myths While Solving White Gut Effectively
Myth #1
If I just Remove the Bottom Pollution & Vibrio, then I can solve White Gut
Myth #2
My seed might be less quality, that's why I got White Gut. So I should get even more better seed.
Myth #3
Ammonia, bad water quality and weather may caused white gut,...
And Often Many Farmers are unheard a term like Protozoan gregarine.
The above reasons might seem very true as the causing factor.
In fact they have some degree of truth,
but only taking above factors, you may prevent the white Gut, and sometimes even treat it which artificially appears it got solved,
but often it will be very hard to make your shrimp eat feed again normally.
You cannot make your Shrimp eat the feed as they should.
Infested with serious white gut disease and stopped the feeding.
Why? What is the Reason? - It is Protozoan Gregarines.
Very few Senior Technicians know the level of damage to the digestive tract that occurs through parasitic Protozoan Gregarines, where feeding can't be resumed, even though white fecal strings reduced.
Click Next below
To See The Blueweight's advanced solution to arrest Protozoan Gregarines effectively.